Ramadan Calendar 2023

Ramadan Calendar 2023

This is the calendar for the month of Ramadan for this year 2023.
Every Muslim must investigate the Praying and fasting timing “Meeqaat” in the place where he lives, and take into account the time difference between one city and another, and the method of calculating prayer in various Prayer time phone applications.
The calendar has been edited based on geographical location using City as Riga as location and calculation method: Islamic Society of North America
Calculation degrees: 15 degrees for dawn and Ishaa time, using the website: islamicfinder
The method used is the same used each year that suits the timing of Sunrise and Sunset in Latvia, and as usual, the Ishaa time inside the mosque may differ with this calendar for the flexibility of the prayer times in the Masjid. 

Takabbal Allah from us all. 
Categories :

Praying Times Riga